Global Leaders

Teresa Cesena
Senior Director, Regulatory and Medical Writing

Teresa Ceseña has over 10 years of pharmaceutical writing experience and oversees the global medical writing and transparency teams as Senior Director of Regulatory and Medical Writing.

Teresa CeseñaThe medical writing and transparency teams have grown significantly under her leadership, and one of her key responsibilities has been to ensure that onboarding, training, and mentoring continue to maintain high levels of quality. Teresa oversees initiatives that enable the team to stay ahead of industry trends and regulations and is responsible for overseeing teams who can execute deliverables in a variety of models, including in FSP partnerships. In addition, she manages teams with expertise in related technologies and tech-enabled solutions, including SmartStart templates and Automatiqc quality tool.

She holds a Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Michigan and is an instructor for MMS Academy.